The Bertrand expert blog was created so that we can share with you our knowledge and many years of experience in the window industry. Articles containing professional advice from our experts appear regularly here. To learn more about what you should pay attention to when choosing doors or how to properly install windows, just follow the blog.
Wybór odpowiednich okien ma ogromne znaczenie dla komfortu oraz efektywności energetycznej domu. Parametry techniczne okien to bezspornie kwestia, na którą…
Nietypowe projekty – specjalność firmy Bertrand Stworzenie solidnych i pięknie wyglądających okien czy drzwi to sztuka, którą opanowało wiele firm….
Up to 50% discount on our unique PVC windows and doors in the Linear system. Why is Linear a great choice? This…
Wybór okien to kluczowy etap budowy, remontu lub modernizacji. Odpowiednio dobrane okna nie tylko wpływają na wygląd zewnętrzny budynku, ale…
In the next part of the series, we will present Gabriela, our new wood production technologist, who joined the Bertrand team around 2...
In our regular series #ludziebertrand, meet Rafał, our well-known and popular Team Leader of the Facility Sales Department. How did you get into the company…
The award for Bertrand in the Best Home Technology Product category was the icing on the cake. A beautiful culmination of this huge…
You've been preparing for several months. The weeks go by as if someone had cracked them with a whip. You feel something special is coming. For company…
“The route is well known to us. From one bar to bar…” sang the well-known Polish band Kult. To paraphrase these words a bit, I can…
It's around 7:30, still early, and yet there are a lot of people on the streets. Someone is jogging, someone with a mug…