Bertrand Windows and Doors

Registration service

Before you decide to submit a service request, we encourage you to read our information regarding service requests. Thanks to this, you can be sure that your request will be handled quickly and effectively. 

This will save you time and avoid misunderstandings, which will speed up the process of solving your problem.

Customer service is our priority, so we encourage you to use the available information materials before sending a service request.

Thank you for your trust and cooperation!

Demand for the service

The document is completed when the warranty period has expired or has not been extended in accordance with the contract, as well as when the item has been mechanically damaged - in such a case, the defect/fault is removed for a fee.

Complaint form

Dokument, wypełniany wtedy, gdy konsument uważa otrzymany produkt za niezgodny z opisem lub wadliwy. Po rozpatrzeniu zgłoszenia, gdy zgłoszenie jest zasadne i uprawnione usterka zostanie usunięta.