Bertrand Windows and Doors

Everything you need to know about the technical parameters of windows

Windows are not only structural elements of the house, but also influence the comfort of living there. When you are faced with the choice of new windows, understanding their technical parameters becomes crucial to ensure optimal performance, thermal and acoustic insulation. But what do these complicated numbers and units actually mean? Here is an extensive guide to the technical parameters of windows that will allow you to make an informed decision.

Technical parameters:

Dimensions: This is the basis. Window dimensions, usually expressed in centimeters or millimeters, include the height, width and thickness of the frame. Adjusting the dimensions to the window opening is crucial to ensure proper installation.

U-factor (U-value): This is a measure of the window's thermal insulation, i.e. its ability to retain heat inside the room. The U-value is expressed in units of W/(m²K), where the lower the value, the better the thermal insulation.

g-factor (Sunlight transmittance): It determines the amount of solar energy that passes through the window and enters the interior. The g-factor is expressed as a percentage, with a higher value meaning more sunlight.

Sound insulation: It means the window's ability to dampen external sounds. It is measured in decibels (dB), where a higher value means better sound insulation.

Wind and rain resistance: These parameters determine how effectively the window protects the interior of the building against drafts and rain. They are usually classified in classes, where class A means the highest resistance.

Burglary resistance class: It informs about the degree of difficulty in breaking or damaging the window by an intruder, which is important for home security

Understanding these parameters will allow you to make an informed choice of windows that will be perfectly suited to your needs. A lower U-value will provide better thermal insulation, which translates into lower heating bills. A higher g-factor will provide more natural light in the room, which can be important for your well-being. High sound insulation will allow you to enjoy peace and quiet, even in a crowded environment.

The technical parameters of windows are crucial to ensuring optimal performance, thermal and acoustic insulation of your home. Understanding their importance will allow you to make the best choice, matching the windows to your needs and preferences. So remember to take these parameters into account when choosing new windows to enjoy comfort and energy savings for many years.

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