How to prepare windows for winter?

Jesień w pełni, a zima zbliża się wielkimi krokami. Przy okazji zmiany pór roku warto zadbać o odpowiednie przygotowanie okien, które pomoże nie tylko utrzymać ciepło w domu, ale także oszczędzić na rachunkach za ogrzewanie. Sprawnie działające okna zapobiegną przeciągom, parowaniu szyb czy przymarzaniu uszczelek. Jak przygotować okna na zimę? Zapraszamy do lektury.

Window cleaning

Start with the most basic thing, namely thoroughly washing the windows, both the glass and the frames. It is also very important to clean the fittings and seals. Frames and fittings are exposed to dirt and dust, which can hinder their proper operation. Always use a soft cloth and gentle detergents for washing, which will not damage the surface. In the case of fittings, it is recommended to use a brush and lubricants, which will ensure the smooth operation of the mechanisms. Remember that clean windows are also efficient windows.

Checking for leaks

Window tightness is a key aspect that affects thermal insulation. Leaking windows can cause large heat losses, so it is worth checking them before winter arrives. This can be done very easily with a piece of paper. Simply insert it between the sash and the window frame and then close it. If the piece of paper moves easily, it means that the window is not tight enough. In this case, it may be necessary to adjust the fittings or replace the seals.

Seal maintenance

Seals play a key role in maintaining proper thermal insulation. It is worth bearing in mind that over time they can wear out or harden, which reduces their effectiveness. Before winter, it is worth cleaning them and lubricating them with special preparations that will maintain their flexibility and prevent them from freezing to frames. Such preparations can be easily purchased online, but a home remedy, a solution of vinegar and water (in a 1:1 ratio), works just as well. It is considered a natural remedy in the fight against mold. Vinegar has antifungal properties and is safe for most surfaces.

Important! If you notice that the seals are damaged or badly worn, it is best to replace them with new ones.

Adjusting fittings and winter mode

Nowoczesne okna posiadają funkcję tzw. trybu zimowego, który pozwala na regulację siły docisku skrzydła do ramy. W trybie letnim okna są nieco bardziej rozszczelnione, aby umożliwić swobodny przepływ powietrza i wentylację pomieszczeń. Z kolei w trybie zimowym siła docisku jest zwiększona, co poprawia szczelność i zapobiega utracie ciepła.

How to switch a window to winter mode? In most cases, it is very simple. There is a small roller or pin (so-called locking roller) on the window fitting, which can be moved manually or using a tool (e.g. a screwdriver). Moving this element towards the frame increases the pressure and thus improves thermal insulation. It is important to check after adjustment whether the window opens and closes without resistance. If there are any difficulties, you can slightly loosen the pressure.

Lubrication of fittings

Window fittings are often omitted from maintenance, which is a huge mistake! Because their condition has a huge impact on the comfort of using the window. Before winter, it is worth lubricating all moving elements of the fittings, which will prevent them from jamming and increase their durability. For this purpose, it is best to use silicone greases or technical oils, which not only preserve, but also protect against corrosion.

Proper ventilation in winter

Although we naturally open windows less in winter, airing rooms is still necessary to ensure a healthy microclimate. To avoid cooling down, it is recommended to air rooms for a few minutes with the windows fully open. It is important to turn off the heating before opening the window, which will prevent energy loss.

Przygotowanie okna na zimę to nie tylko kwestia komfortu, ale także oszczędności. Dokładne czyszczenie, konserwacja uszczelek, regulacja okuć oraz przełączenie okien w tryb zimowy znacząco poprawią ich izolacyjność i ochronią przed zimnem. Dzięki temu będziesz cieszyć się ciepłem w domu i niższymi rachunkami za ogrzewanie przez całą zimę.

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