Color windows and doors

Acrylcolor® technology

Acrylcolor®: It is something different from painting or foiling:

  • it is approx. 0.5 mm thicker than a regular varnish layer
  • it is resistant to scratches
  • is inextricably linked with the profile
  • it is resistant to peeling and chipping
  • it is easy to care for and requires almost no maintenance.

Attention! Color number similar to RAL:

Standard colors in technology Acrylcolor®

RAL 7016
RAL 9005
DB 703
RAL 7015
RAL 7040
RAL 8014
RAL 7039
RAL 7022

Extended colors in Acrylcolor technology®

In addition to the standard colors, special colors are also available, details at sales points.

RAL 8022
RAL 7021
RAL 9006
RAL 7038
RAL 9016
RAL 1019
RAL 1035
RAL 7006

Colors in technology PVC painting

Painting PVC with durable metallic colors with a special Anti-Heat coating, which reduces the absorption of thermal energy, reducing the heating of windows and doors. The technology we use allows us to paint in any color of the standard RAL, NCS, DB palette in structural and smooth coatings.

Colors veneers

Modern DB 703 veneer - available in all PVC systems

DB 703

Colors of other veneers

Golden Oak
Antracyt Strukturalny 7016
Antracyt Gładki 7016
Winchester XA
Srebrny RAL 7001
Szarość Bazaltu Strukturalny RAL 7012
Czarny Matowy
Szarość Kwarc Strukturalny RAL 7039
Chocolate brown
Dąb rustykalny
Dąb bagienny
Dark Oak
Mountain Pine
Summer Douglas fir
Dąb jasny
Bleached Oak
Platinum Bronze
Brushed Silver
RealWood Dąb Imbirowy
RealWood Dąb Miodowy
RealWood Dąb Skandynawski
RealWood Wooden Turner Oak Malt
RealWood Antracyt RAL 7016
RealWood Czysty Biały RAL 9010
Czerwony RAL 3005
Czerwony RAL 3011
Granatowy RAL 5011
Zielony RAL 6005
Zielony RAL 6009
Szary Beton RAL 7023
Szary Jasny RAL 7035
Kremowa Biel RAL 9001
Brylantowa Biel RAL 9003
Czysta Biel RAL 9010
RealWood Woodec Turner Oak Toffee
RealWood Woodec Sheffield Oak Concrete
Szczotkowany mosiądz

Consult with the sales representative to check if the selected foil is available in the chosen PVC system.

ATTENTION! Due to digital technology, the colors presented may differ from the originals.

Colors of BB-Line system veneers

Quartz Gray 5002
Coal Grey Anthracite 5003
Winchester XA 76
Dark Oak 4
Mahagony 9
Coal Grey sand Anthracite sand 62
Golden Oak 8
Nut 5
Pale Grey 57
Black 7000
Black Ulti-Matt-Renolit 5047
Black VLF 2001
Brown 7
Crystal White 60
Golden Oak Renolit 8001
Natural Oak 75
Nut Renolit 8007
Quartz Gray sand 61
Vintage Pine 85
Winchester XA - Renolit 9240
Agate grey 5037
Anthracite Grey 7016 Ulti-Matt 7005
Basalt Grey 7012 Ulti-Matt 7002
Basalt Grey 7048
Black Grey 7023
Black Grey matt 6023
Ginger Oak-Renolit 1804
Irish Oak 3211
Jura Pine Nature
Quartz Platinum-Renolit 3002
Sage 7004
Signal Grey 7004 Ulti-Matt 7003
Slate Grey 7015 Ulti-Matt 7001
Turner Oak Toffee 3004
Woodec Sheffield Oak Alpine-Skai 1402
Woodec Turner Oak-Skai 1401

Colors of windows and doors wooden

Painting wood with durable metallic colors with a special Anti-Heat coating, which reduces the absorption of thermal energy, reducing the heating of windows and doors. The technology we use allows us to paint in any color of the standard RAL, NCS, DB palette in structural and smooth coatings.

Bertrand also uses the most advanced wood varnishes that are resistant to various weather conditions. Our AQUATOP VIRTA varnish, which we use as standard, protects the surface and provides smooth, long-lasting protection.

AQUATOP is characterized by excellent resistance to moisture. It protects surfaces from water, rain and moisture, preventing problems such as rot, mould and damage that occurs over time. It provides reliable resistance all year round, in any climate.  

Thanks to advanced and innovative varnishes and a careful production process, which is a hybrid of automated sanding of flat surfaces and manual sanding of hard-to-reach surfaces such as the surface inside the frame, our wooden windows are characterized by a smooth and flawless finish.

Windows BERTRAND wooden floors are perfect for hot climates thanks to the use of lpaint with cold pigments.  

Standard BB colors

White – BB_01
Bleached – BB_02
Colorless – BB_03
Pinia – BB_04
Cypress – BB_05
Old pine – BB_06
Autumn Maple – BB_07
Calvados – BB_08
Mahogany – BB_09
Rosewood – BB_10
Gray Olive – BB_11
Anigre – BB_12
Golden Oak – BB_13
Walnut – BB_14
Ebony – BB_15

Colors of covering paints (RAL, NCS, DB)

RAL palette
NCS palette
DB color palette, e.g. DB-703

Colors of wooden coatings

Sandblasted wood
Brushed wood
Brushed and oiled wood
Varnished wood, transparent color, visible grain
Supermat lacquered wood, appearance of raw wood (comparison to raw wood)

Colors of aluminum overlays

The external aluminum overlay can be powder coated in any color of the standard RAL palette, in structural coatings or in coatings imitating wood. Wooden-aluminum windows are painted on the inside in the colors of wooden windows.

Color Collection A
B color collection
Color Collection C
D color collection
E color collection

ATTENTION! Due to digital technology, the colors presented may differ from the originals.