Bertrand windows in the world. What makes our solutions unique?

European windows are becoming more and more popular on the American market. Why such interest? Is it just a matter of aesthetics or more functionality? Or maybe both? It is worth reading the opinions from the local market where our company is already present. What are the conclusions? You will find out from the article below. We invite you to read! 

Among the most important aspects that characterize European windows, can be replaced high tightness, functions tilt inwards and micro-ventilationenergy efficiency (low U-factors, which translate into lower energy consumption both in summer and winter), soundproofing and the protection used, e.g. against weather conditions, burglary, etc. But they are also important visual aspects – possibility of choosing many styles of window frames, from retro to modern, filigree and angular shapes.

Speaking of exported windows from Europe It is impossible not to mention other important advantages, such as: use triples (or sometimes quadruple) shaft, which is of great importance for thermal insulation both in the winter and summer seasons and increased condensation resistance thanks to the use of warm inter-glass frames, which BERTRAND offers as standard.

Firma BERTRAND opracowała wiele produktów z myślą o potrzebach American audiences. Do oferty wprowadzone zostały limitery otwierania na 4 cale, nailing finy dokładane oraz ekstrudowane razem z profilem z uPVC i aluminium, receptory aluminiowe dla potrzeb budownictwa komercyjnego oraz wprowadziliśmy do stałej oferty drzwi typu french door z symetrycznie usadowionymi dwiema klamkami drzwiowymi od strony wewnętrznej i zewnętrznej oraz typowe okna amerykańskie typu single i double hang oraz slide. Zmodyfikowane zostały także nakładki aluminiowe do naszego flagowego okna drewniano-aluminiowego Synergic Alu XL, który przebadany został na potrzeby certyfikatu NFRC.

These are just some of the activities we regularly undertake activities, which allow us to adapt even better to the local market.

– We are constantly working to introduce completely new solutions for the needs of North American markets. One example is a new wooden window system dedicated to the American market, which takes into account all the advantages of European windows while being characterized by typical American aesthetics and resistance to external factors - underlines Olaf Bertrand, Marketing and Export Director at BERTRAND. – Soon we will also introduce a new door structure to our offer. Our flexibility and experience have helped us realize many unusual structures. One such example in the United States is the production of unusual wooden profiles and strips adapted to the assembly and visual needs of the facility, an example of which are brickmolds specially tailored to the customer's wishes for one of the buildings undergoing revitalization in the New York area.

– For the needs of the renovation of this building, we also adjusted the radii of the window arches based on templates electronically sent by our contractor. It is worth noting that due to the need to adapt to the needs and characteristics of the old building, the radii of the arches in the seemingly same windows of this building differ from each other. The entire completed project looks really great and is the culmination of our efforts - he adds. 

BERTRAND is strategically looking towards the American market from 2018. Then she began to proactively mark her presence, among others: by actively participating in the Fair NAHB International Builders' Show organized in Las Vegas and Orlando.

Stoisko firmy BERTRAND podczas Targów NAHB International Builders’ Show 

– We are proud that our consistent research, technical, production, commercial and marketing activities have translated into an increasingly extensive network of B2B cooperation with our trading partners, and therefore greater availability of BERTRAND products in the United States and Canada for end customers, architects and developers – he admits Olaf Bertrand. – Nieustannie pracujemy nad ekspansją geograficzną, która przekłada się na dostępność naszych produktów w każdym z większych miast w Stanach Zjednoczonych i Kanadzie. Dzięki temu nasze produkty są dostępne do obejrzenia w wielu showroomach naszych klientów oraz na licznych budowach i realizacjach. Naszym celem jest zbudowanie ogólnokrajowej rozpoznawalności marki BERTRAND i wyrobienie renomą firmy kojarzonej z innowacyjnymi rozwiązaniami, doradztwem doświadczonych Account Managerów, najwyższą jakością komponentów i nieprzeciętnie atrakcyjną estetyką naszych produktów. Oprócz tego postawiliśmy na inną aspekt, który nas wyróżnia czyli przeprowadzane badania i certyfikacje. Już teraz jesteśmy firmą z Europy z prawdopodobnie jedną z największych jeżeli nie największą ilością badań termicznych NFRC we współpracy z amerykańskimi laboratoriami i jednostkami certyfikującymi. Do końca bierzącego roku spodziewamy się również otrzymać pierwsze certyfikaty na okna huraganowe.

Na zdjęciach: 12-metrowe drzwi HST na hali produkcyjnej i podczas pakowania do kontenera

Warto nadmienić, że BERTRAND już od wielu lat przeprowadza kompleksowe badania konstrukcji z PVC oraz aluminium (pod kątem certyfikatu NFRC). Uzyskane certyfikaty (kolejne już w drodze) pozwalają realizować zarówno projekty komercyjne jak i rezydencyjne w stolarce otworowej każdego rodzaju. Przebadane produkty to okna rozwierano-uchylne, fix, suwane, uchylne, uchylne na zewnątrz, drzwi wejściowe, fasadę oraz drzwi przesuwne i na tym nie koniec. Mając na uwadze to, jak ważne są amerykańskie badania dla naszych klientów kontynuujemy te działania i planujemy kolejne.

What distinguishes BERTRAND products?

Responding to customer needs, unique design, but above all – security and excellent quality. One of our distinguishing features is the fact that BERTRAND windows are standardly equipped with four anti-burglary catches per one leaf (which gives us class I anti-burglary resistance, increased tightness and resistance to wind pressure), and our wooden windows and doors are varnished with four coatings. painting. Color possibilities our products are virtually unlimited. We are able to reproduce the color of windows based, for example, on samples of the color of wooden floors from the client's home.

The wooden frames of our windows are polished by modern machines, and in inaccessible places - using sandpaper by experienced workers, which makes the surfaces of the frames perfectly smooth. At BERTRAND, we don't like compromises!

It is worth noting that BERTRAND is one of the few companies that varnishes uPVC windows, and also foils windows on over 60 different veneer colors. We also have unique technology co-extruded acrylic surface on uPVC, you can read more about its advantages here. Our aluminum products and wood overlays can be powder-coated in matte, glossy, structural and wood-like colors and can be anodized. The glass packages we use are based on glass from the well-known and reputable Guardian glassworks in the United States.

– We are also distinguished by a long-term approach to customers on the American market – sums up the Marketing and Export Director. – As a BERTRAND company, we cooperate only with business partners who have the appropriate knowledge and resources to properly install and service products. In cooperation with the BERTRAND brand, our sales partners are guaranteed training in assembly and service, thanks to which we ensure long-term satisfaction with the use of our products by end customers. The Bertrand company is one of the few in Europe that regularly sends its technicians specializing in assembly and service to America in cases where projects are more unusual and it is necessary. Thanks to this, we complete many complex projects together. In addition, our designers prepare technical drawings that help American and Canadian architects and contractors understand the structure and specificity of the product and allow them to design their assembly.

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