Bertrand Windows and Doors


The Bertrand expert blog was created so that we can share with you our knowledge and many years of experience in the window industry. Articles containing professional advice from our experts appear regularly here. To learn more about what you should pay attention to when choosing doors or how to properly install windows, just follow the blog.

Czy można zdobyć najwyższy szczyt na świecie…nie wyjeżdżając przy tym z Polski? Można! Trzeba jednak przejechać się do Warszawy i…

Tegoroczna edycja targów NAHB International Builder’s Show rozpocznie się za niespełna dwa tygodnie. Nasza firma już po raz szósty pojawi…

We like to tell you about our employees and introduce them as often as possible. While reading this text, you will learn…

The method of fixing the glass is important. This is perfectly demonstrated by the dry static glazing technology, which provides increased strength and better construction parameters. What is it and…

Another solution that we would like to present is Linear, a PVC system distinguished by specific technical parameters and a unique, geometric design. What else characterizes it?…

We introduced Bertrand's projects in Gdańsk and Gdynia in recent articles, so it's time for the last city in the Tricity area -...

MB 79N SI is a modern aluminum system created with excellent thermal insulation properties in mind. It allows you to create various types of window and door systems, and…

The past weeks have been a time of action for our company for the local environment. We started the first week of November with a summary of the internal action...

In one of our latest materials, we showed which facilities in Gdańsk were built with the use of our products. Now we are moving to Gdynia. We invite you to…

Wood and aluminum can create a unique duo, combining classic beauty and reliability. Introducing Synergic, our unique solution for every…