Many passions in one person. Meet Tatiana

We like to tell you about our employees and introduce them as often as possible. While reading this text, you will meet Tatiana, our friend, an administration and production specialist, who started her adventure with Bertrand in May 2022 in the production of PVC.

PS We cannot fail to mention that this time the publication was not entirely ours. A solid dose of knowledge about Tatiana was provided to us by a friend of the heroine of the text, whose words we have quoted several times below. 😊

Tatiana comes from Ukraine, but has been living in Poland for 7 years. During her professional career, she held various positions, including: salesperson, warehouseman, logistician, sales representative, shift leader and quality control specialist. 

From work, we know her primarily as a person who deals with various matters related to aluminum products and actively supports the production manager, but as the above-mentioned friend describes her, in private Tatiana is "passionate about history, an active lifestyle and exquisite culinary pleasures."

– Her days begin with a visit to a fitness club, where she engages in various activities, taking care of her physical condition and mental health – she says. – She also has a passion for the swimming pool, walking, cycling and even traditional games such as bowling or billiards. Her determination to achieve a balance between work and physical activity deserves recognition.

Tatiana pursues another of her passions by visiting historical places and buildings, especially castles. He likes not only learning about heritage and discovering the secrets hidden in ancient times, but also the architecture of that time, from which he draws inspiration.

Tatiana is also a lover of the culinary side of life, especially when it comes to dishes from around the world, especially... sushi.


Tatiana's personality is of great importance in developing these interests. She loves to expand her knowledge and discover new things, is not afraid to take up challenges, and additionally masterfully combines professional and private life, also in the aspect of taking care of herself. So far, not everyone certainly knew that one of our friend's interests is... hairdressing, in which she even completed specialized courses. 

– Outside of her professional work, Tatiana seems to perfectly combine her interests with care for health and beauty. Her approach to self-care includes not only physical but also emotional aspects. The way she engages in various activities, from fitness to hairdressing courses, proves her comprehensive approach to care - sums up our informant" 😉.

So you already know a little about Tatiana, but if you are curious about who our other employees are, we invite you to follow our social media profiles and blog publications. 

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