Children's safety at home - Blog of a window and door manufacturer

Children's safety is the most important value for every parent. The safest place for our children seems to be home. Unfortunately, many accidents occur in apartments. By choosing windows with a high safety standard, we practically exclude the possibility of a dangerous incident involving children.

Take care of your children's safety and health

Each of us - parents - has felt paralyzing fear for our child at least once in our lives. Infancy years are filled with concerns about the child's health, almost every cough causes heart palpitations. When a child learns to walk, every pedestrian crossing, busy sidewalk or visit to a shopping center poses a threat to the safety of our offspring. Paradoxically, there are also threats at home, theoretically the safest place. That's why it's worth taking care of it windows met the highest safety standards and had a positive impact on our health and that of our children.

Increase light access

The least sunny period of the year is just beginning. Most of us complain about feeling bad, lack of motivation or health problems at this time. That's why we should give ourselves a chance to get more sunlight by installing windows with narrowed frames. Increasing the supply of natural light results not only from current trends in architecture, but also from concern for the health of residents. A good example of the use of narrow frames is Quantix window. The height of the frame with the sash is only 103 mm, which increases light access even o 25%. Given the characteristics of our climate it has this real impact on health ours and our children.

Pay attention to soundproofing

Noise is a year-round problem, especially for people living in city centers. After all, our home should be a place of rest for our children. We know well that noise in schools exceeds permissible standards. Taking a break from the hustle and bustle of school is very important for a child's health, so we should ensure that our home is as protected as possible against outside noise.
In windows, the key to soundproofing is the appropriate glass packages, which, thanks to the combination of several panes, constitute an effective barrier to outside noise. This solution is especially important for people who live in the centers of large cities, on busy streets or near the airport. Windows are an investment for many years it is worth investing in peace and quiet.


Terrace systems without worries about children

Another potential threat is balcony doors and large-size glazing. As parents, we are not able to control every movement of our child, so we must think about protecting the windows against children's actions.
One of the biggest threats are windows in... large terrace windows. Playing with the handle, opening the window too suddenly or throwing a heavy object may break the glass. The solution to this problem is to use insulating glass. If broken, the glass turns into the so-called spider web. Thanks to this, glass fragments will not hurt our child. This solution is used, among others, in shopping centers, where shop windows, if broken, could also injure passing customers. An additional advantage of such glazing is increased anti-burglary standard. Windows equipped with anti-burglary glass are very difficult to break, even with heavy tools.

When the child starts reaching for the doorknob, another threat appears. We have often heard on television about a child falling out of an open window from a height of several meters. How to avoid this? We should use keyed door handles. They constitute an additional difficulty for the child. In the event of an attempted break-in, door handles with keys provide protection against one of the most common methods of theft. Double benefit makes door handles with a key it's a must for every parent.

Another solution is blocking incorrect position of the handle. We often do not press the sash hard enough when changing the opening method. When tilting the window, it is possible to detach the window from the upper hinge. This happens when the window is open (hinged). The effect is the impression that the sash will fall out of the frame and tilt towards us. Fortunately, blocking the incorrect position of the handle is increasingly included in the standard window offer.

Comprehensive solutions for the safety of your children

When buying a car, we pay attention to many aspects. We want our vehicle to be spacious and safe for us and passengers. Therefore, the child always travels in a car seat and wears a seat belt. When building a house, we should also think about the safety of our children. Choosing safe windows reduces the risk of an accident involving a child. Remember to ask the seller about:

  • narrow window frames,
  • soundproof/anti-burglary glass,
  • high-quality door handles,
  • blocking incorrect position of the handle.

These few solutions have proven successful for our clients many times, so when purchasing windows, we pay attention to every detail.

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